TurtleBot 4 Setup
The turtlebot4_setup
repository contains scripts, configurations, and tools used for setting up and configuring the TurtleBot 4.
Source code is available here.
Install Scripts
ROS 2 Galactic is no longer supported. Please consider upgrading to a newer release
There are several install scripts that are used to set up the TurtleBot 4 image.
Script Usage Description turtlebot4_setup.sh bash turtlebot4_setup.sh -m [model]
This script should be used on a clean Ubuntu 20.04 Server image. It sets up installs ROS 2 Galactic as well as other dependencies of the TurtleBot 4. It will also install configuration files to their appropriate locations. galactic.sh bash galactic.sh
Installs ros-galactic-ros-base as well as other useful packages. It is called from turtlebot4_setup.sh. bluetooth.sh bash bluetooth.sh
Installs bluetooth packages. sd_flash.sh sudo sd_flash.sh /path/to/image
Flashes a RPi image to a microSD card. It is used from a PC. install.py install.py [domain]
install.py --domain [domain] --rmw [rmw]
(v0.1.3)Installs the robot_upstart job. uninstall.py uninstall.py
Uninstalls the robot_upstart job. create_update.sh create_update.sh /path/to/firmware.swu
Send a firmware file to the Create® 3 to update it. NoteTurtleBot 4’s come with an already set up RPi4 image, so these scripts will not be needed for most users.
There are several install scripts that are used to set up the TurtleBot 4 image.
Script Usage Description turtlebot4_setup.sh bash turtlebot4_setup.sh -m [model]
This script should be used on a clean Ubuntu 22.04 Server image. It sets up installs ROS 2 Humble as well as other dependencies of the TurtleBot 4. humble.sh bash humble.sh
Installs ros-humble-ros-base as well as other useful packages. It is called from turtlebot4_setup.sh. bluetooth.sh bash bluetooth.sh
Installs bluetooth packages. sd_flash.sh sudo sd_flash.sh /path/to/image
Flashes a RPi image to a microSD card. It is used from a PC. create_update.sh create_update.sh /path/to/firmware.swu
Send a firmware file to the Create® 3 to update it. NoteTurtleBot 4’s come with an already set up RPi4 image, so these scripts will not be needed for most users.
There are several install scripts that are used to set up the TurtleBot 4 image.
Script Usage Description turtlebot4_setup.sh bash turtlebot4_setup.sh -m [model]
This script should be used on a clean Ubuntu 24.04 Server image. It sets up installs ROS 2 Jazzy as well as other dependencies of the TurtleBot 4. jazzy.sh bash jazzy.sh
Installs ros-jazzy-ros-base as well as other useful packages. It is called from turtlebot4_setup.sh. bluetooth.sh bash bluetooth.sh
Installs bluetooth packages. sd_flash.sh sudo sd_flash.sh /path/to/image
Flashes a RPi image to a microSD card. It is used from a PC. create_update.sh create_update.sh /path/to/firmware.swu
Send a firmware file to the Create® 3 to update it. NoteTurtleBot 4’s come with an already set up RPi4 image, so these scripts will not be needed for most users.
Configuration Tools
ROS 2 Galactic is no longer supported. Please consider upgrading to a newer release
Configuration Scripts
These scripts are installed in the /usr/local/bin folder and are used to configure the robot.
Script Usage Description wifi.sh sudo wifi.sh -s [ssid] -p [password] -r [regulatory domain]
Set up netplan to connect to a Wi-Fi network. swap_on.sh swap_on.sh
Add 4 GB of swap memory. Useful when building packages from source. swap_off.sh swap_off.sh
Remove swap memory. ros_config.sh (v0.1.3 only) ros_config.sh
Configure ROS_DOMAIN_ID and RMW. -
Setup Tool
In Humble, the TurtleBot 4 has a new command line setup tool that simplifies the configuration process. The tool can be run on the TurtleBot 4 by calling:
ros2 run turtlebot4_setup turtlebot4_setup
You will be greeted by a menu with several submenus. From here you can navigate between the menus and configure your robot.
UsageYou can navigate up and down between the menus by using the
arrow keys, orj
. To select a menu, pressEnter
. To return or exit from a menu, you can pressq
, orCTRL+C
. Some menus may only be exited withCTRL+C
.Menu items that indicate a variable and its value will prompt you for an input. Type in your input and press
to set the value. You may pressEnter
without any input to set the value to an empty string. You can also pressCTRL+C
to return without changing the value. Some input prompts such asROS_DOMAIN_ID
may check that your input is valid.Once you have input all of your changes, you will need to select
to apply the settings to your configuration files. You can also selectApply Defaults
to revert all values for this menu to defaults.After you have saved all of the changes that you wanted, you can view the configuration files by selecting
View Settings
in the main "TurtleBot4 Setup" menu. When you are happy with the changes, selectApply Settings
. This will open a new menu that will show you all of the changes that were saved, and prompt you for confirmation. If confirmed, the setup tool will run various commands based on which settings were changed.NoteChanges to the
environment variables will be applied to the Create® 3 as well, causing it to reboot. This includes all changes made in the Discovery Server menu.Changes made to Wi-Fi settings will cause your SSH session to hang, and the RPi4 to reboot. This will look like the Raspberry Pi stopped communicated but is expected. You will need to close the terminal, wait for the robot to fully reboot and then initiate a new SSH connection.
ROS SetupThe ROS Setup menu is used to configure the ROS environment. ROS and system configuration files are located in the
folder on the RPi4.File Description aliases.bash Contains helpful bash aliases cyclonedds_rpi.xml Default CycloneDDS configuration discovery.sh Script that starts a discovery server fastdds_discovery_create3.xml FastDDS configuration for the Create 3 in Discovery Server fastdds_rpi.xml Default FastDDS configuration setup.bash Bash file that exports environment variables to configure ROS 2. This file is sourced in .bashrc such that the environment is applied to all terminals system Text file with system information such as version number and TurtleBot 4 model There are currently 3 ROS Setup submenus: Bash Setup, Discovery Server, and Robot Upstart.
Bash SetupThe Bash Setup menu allows the user to make changes to the
file. This file sets environment variables that affect ROS 2.Environment Variable Description Default CYCLONEDDS_URI Path to CycloneDDS configuration /etc/turtlebot4/cyclonedds_rpi.xml FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE Path to FastDDS configuration /etc/turtlebot4/fastdds_rpi.xml ROBOT_NAMESPACE Sets the robots namespace. ROS_DOMAIN_ID Sets the robots domain ID. Defaults to 0. 0 RMW_IMPLEMENTATION Set the RMW implementation (rmw_fastrtps_cpp, rmw_cyclonedds_cpp) rmw_fastrtps_cpp TURTLEBOT4_DIAGNOSTICS Enable or disable TurtleBot 4 diagnostics 1 WORKSPACE_SETUP Path to the workspace setup.bash file /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
Discovery ServerThe Discovery Server menu allows the user to enable or disable the onboard discovery server, as well as set the Server ID and Port for the onboard server. The menu also allows for selecting one additional discovery server for the robot to connect to although it is not advisable for beginners. See the discovery server page for an example on how to set up a two robot system.
Setting Description Default Enabled Whether to use Discovery Server mode False Onboard Server - Port Discovery server port for the onboard server 11811 Onboard Server - Server ID Discovery server ID for the onboard server 0 Offboard Server - IP IP address of an optional offboard Discovery Server to connect to (disabled if set as blank) blank Offboard Server - Port Discovery server port for the offboard server 11811 Offboard Server - Server ID Discovery server ID for the offboard server 1 NoteEnabling the discovery server will also set
.Discovery server settings are applied to the
environment variable in/etc/turtlebot4/setup.bash
Robot UpstartThe robot upstart menu has menu options for interacting with the
job that runs the TurtleBot 4 nodes as a background service.Menu Option Description Bash equivalent Restart Restart the robot_upstart
job.sudo systemctl restart turtlebot4.service
Start Start the robot_upstart
job if it is not running.sudo systemctl start turtlebot4.service
Stop Stop the robot_upstart
job if it is running.sudo systemctl stop turtlebot4.service
Install Install or reinstall the robot_upstart
job with current ROS settings.install.py [model]
Uninstall Uninstall the robot_upstart
job. The service will no longer run on boot.uninstall.py
Wi-Fi SetupThe Wi-Fi Setup menu allows users to easily connect the TurtleBot 4 to their Wi-Fi network, as well as configure the connection.
Menu Option Description Default Wi-Fi Mode Set the RPi4 to act as a Wi-Fi access point or client Access Point SSID The SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
In access point mode, this is the name of the network that will be broadcasted.Turtlebot4 Password The password of the Wi-Fi network. This can be left empty. Turtlebot4 Band Which Wi-Fi band to use. Set to 'Any' if unsure. 5GHz IP Address Sets a static IP address for the `wlan0` interface. DHCP Whether to use DHCP to dynamically set an IP address. True
Bluetooth SetupThis menu option launches
and allows you to pair and connect to a bluetooth device. See TurtleBot 4 Controller Setup for details.
View SettingsThe View Settings menu lists the TurtleBot 4 configuration files and allows you to preview them by navigating to each file.
Changes you saved in other menus will be reflected here.
Apply SettingsSelecting "Apply Settings" will prompt the user to confirm that they want to apply these settings. It will also list all of the changes that will be applied. When confirmed, the setup tool will run various commands based on which settings were changed.
NoteIf settings that affect the Create® 3 were changed, those changes will be sent to the base over USB-C,and the Create® 3 will then reboot to apply the settings. Changes to the Wi-Fi network will cause the tool to run
sudo netplan apply && sudo reboot
, causing the RPi4 to update its network settings before rebooting. This will cause any SSH session to hang.Once settings have been applied, you can exit the setup tool. If there were changes made to environment variables, you will need to run
orsource $ROBOT_SETUP
to apply them to your current terminal. Changes will be automatically applied to any new terminals.
AboutThe "About" menu displays system information and has menu options to change the TurtleBot 4 model and hostname.
WarningChanging the model to not match the physical robot model is not recommended.
Setup Tool
In Jazzy, the TurtleBot 4 has a command line setup tool that simplifies the configuration process. The tool can be run on the TurtleBot 4 by calling:
ros2 run turtlebot4_setup turtlebot4_setup
You will be greeted by a menu with several submenus. From here you can navigate between the menus and configure your robot.
UsageYou can navigate up and down between the menus by using the
arrow keys, orj
. To select a menu, pressEnter
. To return or exit from a menu, you can pressq
, orCTRL+C
. Some menus may only be exited withCTRL+C
.Menu items that indicate a variable and its value will prompt you for an input. Type in your input and press
to set the value. You may pressEnter
without any input to set the value to an empty string. You can also pressCTRL+C
to return without changing the value. Some input prompts such asROS_DOMAIN_ID
may check that your input is valid.Once you have input all of your changes, you will need to select
to apply the settings to your configuration files. You can also selectApply Defaults
to revert all values for this menu to defaults.After you have saved all of the changes that you wanted, you can view the configuration files by selecting
View Settings
in the main "TurtleBot4 Setup" menu. When you are happy with the changes, selectApply Settings
. This will open a new menu that will show you all of the changes that were saved, and prompt you for confirmation. If confirmed, the setup tool will run various commands based on which settings were changed.NoteChanges to the
environment variables will be applied to the Create® 3 as well, causing it to reboot. This includes all changes made in the Discovery Server menu.Changes made to Wi-Fi settings will cause your SSH session to hang, and the RPi4 to reboot. This will look like the Raspberry Pi stopped communicated but is expected. You will need to close the terminal, wait for the robot to fully reboot and then initiate a new SSH connection.
ROS SetupThe ROS Setup menu is used to configure the ROS environment. ROS and system configuration files are located in the
folder on the RPi4.File Description aliases.bash Contains helpful bash aliases cyclonedds_rpi.xml Default CycloneDDS configuration discovery.sh Script that starts a discovery server fastdds_discovery_create3.xml FastDDS configuration for the Create 3 in Discovery Server fastdds_rpi.xml Default FastDDS configuration setup.bash Bash file that exports environment variables to configure ROS 2. This file is sourced in .bashrc such that the environment is applied to all terminals system Text file with system information such as version number and TurtleBot 4 model There are currently 3 ROS Setup submenus: Bash Setup, Discovery Server, and Robot Upstart.
Bash SetupThe Bash Setup menu allows the user to make changes to the
file. This file sets environment variables that affect ROS 2.Environment Variable Description Default CYCLONEDDS_URI Path to CycloneDDS configuration /etc/turtlebot4/cyclonedds_rpi.xml FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE Path to FastDDS configuration /etc/turtlebot4/fastdds_rpi.xml ROBOT_NAMESPACE Sets the robots namespace. ROS_DOMAIN_ID Sets the robots domain ID. Defaults to 0. 0 RMW_IMPLEMENTATION Set the RMW implementation (rmw_fastrtps_cpp, rmw_cyclonedds_cpp). The selected implementation must match the one supported by the Create® 3 firmware installed on the base platform rmw_fastrtps_cpp TURTLEBOT4_DIAGNOSTICS Enable or disable TurtleBot 4 diagnostics 1 WORKSPACE_SETUP Path to the workspace setup.bash file /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash
Discovery ServerThe Discovery Server menu allows the user to enable or disable the onboard discovery server, as well as set the Server ID and Port for the onboard server. The menu also allows for selecting one additional discovery server for the robot to connect to although it is not advisable for beginners. See the discovery server page for an example on how to set up a two robot system.
Setting Description Default Enabled Whether to use Discovery Server mode False Onboard Server - Port Discovery server port for the onboard server 11811 Onboard Server - Server ID Discovery server ID for the onboard server 0 Offboard Server - IP IP address of an optional offboard Discovery Server to connect to (disabled if set as blank) blank Offboard Server - Port Discovery server port for the offboard server 11811 Offboard Server - Server ID Discovery server ID for the offboard server 1 NoteEnabling the discovery server will also set
.Discovery server settings are applied to the
environment variable in/etc/turtlebot4/setup.bash
Robot UpstartThe robot upstart menu has menu options for interacting with the
job that runs the TurtleBot 4 nodes as a background service.Menu Option Description Bash equivalent Restart Restart the robot_upstart
job.sudo systemctl restart turtlebot4.service
Start Start the robot_upstart
job if it is not running.sudo systemctl start turtlebot4.service
Stop Stop the robot_upstart
job if it is running.sudo systemctl stop turtlebot4.service
Install Install or reinstall the robot_upstart
job with current ROS settings.install.py [model]
Uninstall Uninstall the robot_upstart
job. The service will no longer run on boot.uninstall.py
Wi-Fi SetupThe Wi-Fi Setup menu allows users to easily connect the TurtleBot 4 to their Wi-Fi network, as well as configure the connection.
Menu Option Description Default Wi-Fi Mode Set the RPi4 to act as a Wi-Fi access point or client Access Point SSID The SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
In access point mode, this is the name of the network that will be broadcasted.Turtlebot4 Password The password of the Wi-Fi network. This can be left empty. Turtlebot4 Band Which Wi-Fi band to use. Set to 'Any' if unsure. 5GHz IP Address Sets a static IP address for the `wlan0` interface. DHCP Whether to use DHCP to dynamically set an IP address. True
Bluetooth SetupThis menu option launches
and allows you to pair and connect to a bluetooth device. See TurtleBot 4 Controller Setup for details.
View SettingsThe View Settings menu lists the TurtleBot 4 configuration files and allows you to preview them by navigating to each file.
Changes you saved in other menus will be reflected here.
Apply SettingsSelecting "Apply Settings" will prompt the user to confirm that they want to apply these settings. It will also list all of the changes that will be applied. When confirmed, the setup tool will run various commands based on which settings were changed.
NoteIf settings that affect the Create® 3 were changed, those changes will be sent to the base over USB-C,and the Create® 3 will then reboot to apply the settings. Changes to the Wi-Fi network will cause the tool to run
sudo netplan apply && sudo reboot
, causing the RPi4 to update its network settings before rebooting. This will cause any SSH session to hang.Once settings have been applied, you can exit the setup tool. If there were changes made to environment variables, you will need to run
orsource $ROBOT_SETUP
to apply them to your current terminal. Changes will be automatically applied to any new terminals.
Reset Create3Selecting "Reset Create3" will reconfigure the Create® 3's domain ID, namespace, and discovery server settings to match the current Raspberry Pi configuration. No changes are made to the Raspberry Pi itself: only the Create® 3 settings are modified.
AboutThe "About" menu displays system information and has menu options to change the TurtleBot 4 model and hostname.
WarningChanging the model to not match the physical robot model is not recommended.